Sometimes we live in an alternate reality. Maybe it is the TV that we watch or possibly just how we…
A spritz is similar to a baby shower or sprinkle. Many foster and adoptive parents do not have a baby shower before the arrival of the child they will be opening their hearts and homes to. They are often in need of items for these children just as new parents are in need of items for their bundle of joy.
are in foster care on any given day
are waiting to be adopted
average time spent in foster care
aged out of care without a family
live in institutions and group homes
Sometimes we live in an alternate reality. Maybe it is the TV that we watch or possibly just how we…
Questions to think about… How do you design a room for foster care? The pile of paperwork has finally been…
Growing A Lot of Faith for a Little Boy Has life ever taken a turn that you never expected? How…
You feel the pull in your heart to help vulnerable children in the world. Where do you start? What can…