Make your FREE Spritz list today! Select from a list of things that you may need for your growing family. Once you have created your list you can share it with family and friends via social media and email. A wise woman once said, “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”
- Click on the Shop button to find items you need.
- Click on the item you would like to add to your list.
- Click “Add to Wish List” button.
- SAVE THE LINK THAT POPS UP. This is how you will return to your list. (You may also find your list under “My Account”
- Continue adding items to your list.
- Once you are finished share your list with friends and family via your personalized link or the sharing icons on your personalized wish list page.
Please contact us if you lose your personalized link. Links begin like this:[your personal link